The Eventuary is for sale in Lincoln City, Oregon for the perfect themed restaurant idea

It is a very large restaurant event center and was formerly a funeral home. My idea would be to turn this property into a Vampire themed restaurant where the waitresses wear the elegant costume like actress Andree Melly wore in the comedy horror film THE HORROR OF IT ALL as your servers. See photo: The signage on the outside where the slogan would be, "Where people are dying to get in and dine" Just imagine how fun it would be to order a diet coke by saying, "Hey Vampira, bring me a diet coke please!" The doors on the building all need to be changed to a coffin shape. The Eventuary It has a great location near the ocean. and it has a stage where you could put on musical, comedy, or magic shows on different nights. Behold the stage. and here is another angle. I would hang a giant wall portrait of the hottest movie vampire of all time who was portrayed by the late great actress Andree Melly, from the film THE HORROR OF IT ALL up on the wall to o...