Koral Kafe & Entertainment for sale in Washington, Utah

The Koral Kafe and Entertainment for sale in Washington, Utah. Washington is right next door to St. George, Utah if you are curious about geographical location. I read the reviews and it had positive and negative. After studying the Bible, the Quran, The Book of Mormon, and Pyramid Schemes for Dummies, I threw all those concepts out except for one idea out of the Book of Mormon and really focused about how to make a successful restaurant in Washington, Utah. There are only 6 women mentioned in the Book of Mormon. One of them was the super hot harlot known as ISABEL . Here is the LDS Magazine take on the harlot known as ISABEL . It dawned on me that the new owners of the restaurant should rename the place ISABEL'S and instead of a Golden Angel Moroni on top of the building blowing a trumpet I would have a Golden Isabel holding out a gold platter with a Roast Turkey on it. I disagree with Hugh Nibley, I think Corianton did not follow ...