The Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks for sale in Glendale, AZ

The Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks is for sale. Yes folks, another giant 11,250 squarefoot restaurant has gone the way of the Dodo. The reason being is because they were charging a high price for extremely mediocre food. So while you are sitting on your ceramic throne at your house pondering this mystery you can receive revelation by realizing the place was like an Applebee's but with the price two times as expensive. Food reporter Dominic Armato for AZ Central gave his Review of the Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks . Then I read the Horny Toad out of Cave Creek started their 2nd restaurant in the building and it bombed too because their food was too expensive and lousy. Now it is for sale and it came to pass, after much prayer and fasting and keeping one eye on the glory of God and the other fixated upon some woman's derriere I divined the supreme answer to make this restaurant viable. I put on my sacred robes, whether in the body or out of...