The Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks for sale in Glendale, AZ

The Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks is for sale. 

Yes folks, another giant 11,250 squarefoot restaurant has gone the way of the Dodo. The reason being is because they were charging a high price for extremely mediocre food. So while you are sitting on your ceramic throne at your house pondering this mystery you can receive revelation by realizing the place was like an Applebee's but with the price two times as expensive. Food reporter Dominic Armato for AZ Central gave his  Review of the Desert Rose Pizza Gastropub and Steaks . Then I read the Horny Toad out of Cave Creek started their 2nd restaurant in the building and it bombed too because their food was too expensive and lousy. 

Now it is for sale and it came to pass, after much prayer and fasting and keeping one eye on the glory of God and the other fixated upon some woman's derriere I divined the supreme answer to make this restaurant viable. I put on my sacred robes, whether in the body or out of the body I can not tell, rolling forward like a stone cut without hands and looking through a glass darkly I am hoping my ideas will stick like a bag of crap thrown at the wall......Here goes.....Now the interior of the restaurant I am absolutely fine with. It seems pleasant, nice and casual with the view of the exposed HVAC system in the ceiling above.

Here is another shot of the interior. 
There is also outside seating and a really cool giant chess set and checkers so people can keep their minds occupied waiting on their meal. I would add a climbing wall outside too that led to a rooftop bar. Now, I would also have stairs going up to the bar as well so once any climber had a drink they would have to use the stairs, not go back down the wall. Sobriety first.
Now the location and the set up of the restaurant is great. The location is great because it is very close to the Arizona Cardinal Football stadium and also the Phoenix Suns stadium I read. Now people after a game who are sick and tired of eating cold hot dogs and drinking warm beer at the stadium can now enjoy a meal here. There is also room outside for musical performers and sporting events like boxing. I would be thrilled to see this musical performance at the restaurant. 

Now the cuisine obviously needs changed. I would make this a fusion restaurant combining the wonderful cuisines of Armenia and Mexico. After the genocide committed by the Turks on the Armenian people during World War 1 the Armenians sought refuge in other countries including Mexico. There is a Armenian/Mexican fusion restaurant in Los Angeles called BREAD & BREAKFAST which gave me this fusion idea and the food there is excellent according to the reviews. 
Also the menu would include lunch and dinner options featuring some not so well known but delicious Mexican dishes like Cemitas below
and the delicious looking Pambazo's 
and the delightfully sweet and savory Chiles en Nogada with pomegranate here 
and a seafood dish called Jaibas Rellanas 
and also a fusion Armenian pizza dish called Lahmajoun pictured below and of course a 
fusion version of the Armenian Kebab 
Now I wanted to call the place Nazeni's after Armenian actress Nazeni Hovhannisyan, especially after fixating on this video Nazeni Hovhannisyan dining outside in Yerevan and these 3 photos. 
Looks so good holding the potential menu in her hand, taking surveys with the excited customers with the microphone, and looking so professional and phenomenal in a sleeveless business suit. 
This fusion outfit with a hat which appears to be Huevos Rancheros without the sauce and the eggs unbroken has fusion written all over it. And photo 3 has the fusion of combining Mexico, Mormonism, and Armenia in one sacred blast, they just need to put a yellow feather boa on that snake: 
Quetzalcoatl photo, Nazeni sure looks hot with a snake and would look even more phenomenal with that snake wearing a yellow feather boa.......I wanted a giant full wall tile mural of Nazeni in a Sombrero and Serape but then I remember I had to have an eye single to the glory of food so I put an eye patch over my wandering perving all seeing eye and followed the advice of the Tony Shalhoub character PRIMO in the film BIG NIGHT who said, "It should be about the food." So the restaurant probably needs to be called Armexia Fusion Cuisine. Now if someone purchases and goes with well prepared Armenian Mexican Fusion cuisine it should be a roaring hit. I close this special Christmas post with Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and  Shnorhavor Amanor yev Surb Tznund 


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