BELLY Bar and restaurant is for sale in Phoenix. It will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes as a restaurant/bar called COBRA CABANA

This unique building is up for sale and I have had the perfect revelation to save it! Now it use to be the restaurant called BELLY BAR & RESTAURANT and it had a decent rating on YELP but after 4 years in business it became unprofitable to the owners. Now lets look at the upstairs bar and dining which looks Stalinistic industrial. Another view of the upstairs seating looking the other way. and now the upstairs outside balcony seating and this angle of the outdoor balcony seating Now the staircase leads down to the ground floor dining room, restroom, and kitchen area. Here is the downstairs dining and open kitchen and the bathroom I mentioned. and some of the prep kitchen area the cooking kitchen area and the dish washing area Now Belly had 3 locations and closed them all. I sought the needed answer to save this place by reading Tobin's Spirit guide, used a crystal ball, Tarot Cards, and reading a cheap blue cov...