What can I say. Five Giant Palm trees and a generic looking building and you have restaurant heaven in Apache Junction, Arizona. Taradiddles Restaurant for sale It use to be called the Cowboy Up Steakhouse and Saloon which reminded me of a Calendar I saw with a pretty girl on it with the same name minus steakhouse and saloon....
I really fixate on those palm trees because they sort of remind me of the Big W featured in the film, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD THE BIG W and the potential is here for a really cool restaurant. In fact I would transplant the middle palm tree elsewhere then bend the two to make the perfect W in a tribute to the film. Instead of $350,000 cash, the golden memories of great Argentine cuisine at EL JAGUAR.
Lots of outdoor seating when the weather is tolerant and would be handy if covid-19 strikes again. The signage on the restaurant is in desperate need of modernization and style as you can see below. I would install a neon or digital sign that catches the driver's attention at night.
I like the Moorish style on the entryway but it needs like a wild animal or mythical creature above the address of 285. Since I have now determined the restaurant should offer Argentinian cuisine it would feature a sculpture of a Jaguar which is native to Argentina and Arizona and the restaurant must be named El JAGUAR
The backyard looks rather Stalinistic and generic. That needs some creative improvement.
Inside you have a stage for musical bands but it needs a little updating so it does not looks like a high school band stage from Wamsutter, Wyoming.The bar is pathetic as well. Nothing to make it unique, just a bar. I would spice it up with the emblem of the Jaguar like another restaurant in Texas called El Jaguar but alter the logo so the Jaguar is leaping at you so it will stick in the customers mind like the knife from the film PSYCHO did.
Looking at another angle at the bar
The menu would offer Argentinian style steaks with chimchurri. See Video: Argentinian Steak with red chimchurri and because the logo of the restaurant is the Jaguar (One of the few big cats that love water) it would offer "Pacific Sanddabs", Trout, and Black Cod Argentinian style. For the poultry side I would offer Cornish Hen as well. I would fix the stage up and make it look more professional and besides bands and dancing I would have an annual Miss Jaguar Beauty Contest because I just received revelation from God that all women worth their salt want to put on their resume they were MISS JAGUAR Laughing. I love it when God feeds me lines and ideas. Praise the Lord!Needless to say, this restaurant needs a new owner and following these simple ideas will put El Jaguar on the map for Apache Junction. Come on down and eat under the "Big W" at EL JAGUAR.
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